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The first “BOD building” from the 3D construction printer
The idea for this project came about as a result of COBOD’s participation in a project financed by the Danish government called “3D Construction Printing”, which saw COBOD visit more than 35 3D construction printing projects around the world. It became apparent to COBOD that Europe was lagging behind and they took on the challenge of becoming the first company in Europe to 3D-print a building that could satisfy the stringent European building regulations.
Illustration of economic and architectural advantages of 3D printing
The BOD, which is an abbreviation for “Building on Demand”, was given this name to draw attention to the fact that the 3D printing technology used in construction projects enables construction processes to be automated, thus pushing the boundaries of what is feasible. Even though the BOD is less than 538 sqft in size, it is still large enough to demonstrate some of the economic and architectural benefits of using 3D printing technology for buildings. When traditional building techniques are applied, any shape that is organic or curved in some way is a challenge, both from a technical and financial point of view.
The BOD does not have a single straight wall. The only straight elements are the windows and doors. Even in the case of the foundations, if anything other than straight lines are used in traditional processes, it becomes an expensive and complex challenge. It was for this reason that 3D printing was used not only for the walls of the BOD building, but also for a section of the foundations.
“We are glad that we took part in this project and made our contribution. We succeeded in coming up with a formula that is not only suitable for 3D printing, but also features a significant amount of recycled materials. Denmark is one of the frontrunners when it comes to recycling. With this project, however, we even managed to make the transition from the customary downcycling of rubble to recycling and upcycling.”
Jens D. Henriksen, Force Institute
If you have any questions or require further information about our 3D construction printer, please do not hesitate to contact us.
More information about the 3D construction printer