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PERI 3D Construction Printing
COBOD 3D Construction Printer
COBOD 3D Construction Printer
Time-efficient and cost-effective building construction

BOD2 is an upgraded and improved version of the printer which was used to 3D print the first building in Europe, The BOD.

PERI 3D Construction Printing

Based on the experience obtained with the BOD printer, the BOD2 incorporates improved functionality and stability compared to the first version. It is built on the same proven principles as the BOD printer, assuring a tested and proven system.


  • #2 generation
    BOD2 is the only second-generation construction printer on the market.
  • Modular robot construction printer
    BOD2 is developed to fit any project. Decide the size of BOD2 by its modules – add modules to fit the project's specifications.
  • Print speed
    BOD2 is 3x faster than the first generation, with an 18 meter/minute print speed.
  • Gantry system
    The gantry system is optimal for in situ projects as well as the fabrication of elements off-site.
  • Interchangeable nozzle system
    New optimized nozzles are developed to ensure smooth surfaces. Standard layer height is 2 cm, and 5 cm in width.
  • Flexibility
    Besides the modular system, the BOD2 is flexible in terms of mounting. It can be mounted to the foundation or to movable concrete pillars.

First in Europe

We 3D printed the first building in Europe, to demonstrate how far the technology had come. The building was constructed in Copenhagen and acts as an office space for the harbor industry surrounding it.


In collaboration with FORCE Technology, we have developed a strong and sustainable recipe for the concrete mix, utilizing recycled materials.



One of the big advantages robotic 3D construction printing brings to the table is free forms in the architecture – the printer doesn’t care if the walls are straight or bend.



Due to the speed, material, and low labor requirements, the cost of a 3D printed building is relatively low compared to standard constructed buildings.


Modular 3D Construction Printer

We have worked hard to develop a robotic 3D construction printer that utilizes the best of the technology. By making a modular machine, it becomes easy to maintain, move and setup.

Each BOD2 printer consists of a gantry system with several modules. The number of modules selected is based on the specific construction project.

Each module is 2.5 meters in length and can extend in any of the three axes.

No matter the size, each BOD2 printer will contain the following elements at a minimum: 1 customizable printhead, 1 X-axis carriage base, 2 Y-axis carriage bases, 4 Z-axis carriage bases.

Highlighted Features


The modular truss structure solves two large issues within 3D Construction Printing:

•  All projects are of different sizes and shapes and with the modular build, BOD2 can be configured exactly for each project.

•  The lightweight combined with the incredible stiffness of the truss structure guarantees a rigid, sturdy construction that will endure rough treatment and ensure stable and reliable printing year after year.


When printing on an uneven or poorly leveled surface, the printer measures the distance to the foundation and collects the data in a “heightmap”. When printing the first layers, the printer can automatically compensate for these uneven surfaces, layer by layer, until the resulting print is completely level. This will ensure a level top wall even for very uneven slabs.


The re-engineered tangential nozzle enables a completely new dimension of control of the surface quality and texture unseen before. By continuously following the movement direction of the print head the nozzle have the added functionality of smoothing or texturing the walls on the fly.

•  Reducing the amount of cladding and post-treatment of walls

•  Reducing water evaporation by minimizing wall surface area


To ease the process of compliance with industry standards as well as open up to a wider spectrum of materials, the BOD2 has been developed to print with a wide range of materials. The extruder can handle up to 10 mm aggregates and thus print with real concrete and not just mortars.