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Salesforce Tower Chicago

Project data

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Once completed, Salesforce Tower Chicago will be the final building in the Wolf Point Plaza – a three-phase development located on one of the last remaining riverfront sites in downtown Chicago, adjacent to one of Chicago’s most historic buildings, The Merchandise Mart. This unique location provides challenges such as one access point in and out of the site which is located under the main roads of the bustling city.

The 58-story building, named after its primary tenant, will provide 1.2 million square feet of office space. The building was designed with 25,000 square-foot floor plates featuring floor-to-ceiling glass and column-free corners providing premier and thoughtful work environments.

Due to the constraints of the jobsite, The Walsh Group relayed on PERI to deliver a flexible formwork solution. Limited jobsite entry points and lay-down space required high logistic coordination with just-in-time delivery of all materials. Additionally, the building, a combination of concrete and steel with one level below grade required the tower crane to be positioned inside the core. Due to the placement of the crane, the formwork solution needed to provide flexibility and climb independently of the tower crane.

Walsh required a flexible formwork system to climb independent of the crane and to accommodate the changing geometries for the reduced wall thicknesses on floors 7, 22, and 40 and the transition on level 40 from a four-core cell to a two-core cell. Therefore, the PERI ACS Core 400, a self-climbing formwork system with 40-ton single-stroke cylinders was selected. The innovative hydraulic controls allow for the climbing of all four cells together, climbing the core from pour to pour enabling the tower crane to be utilized for the steel erection below. The external platforms of the ACS Core 400 system provide safe and comfortable working access while also supporting the load-bearing capacity of additional materials, supplies, and tools including 100,000 lbs. of rebar, further saving time and freeing up valuable space on the site.

PERI VARIO Formwork was used to cast the first concrete pour around the tower crane.

Photos by: and Nick Ulivieri Photography


  • The client required a formwork system that has the capacity to climb independent of the crane and climb ahead of the core.
  • High logistical requirements due to limited jobsite lay-down space and entry points.



The Walsh Group

PERI solution

  • The ACS Core 400 hydraulic climbing system enables climbing ahead of the core and independent of the tower crane which was located inside the core.
  • External platforms of ACS Core 400 serve as safe working platform and was used to store extra materials saving time.
  • Provided continuous engineering support for construction management during the entire execution phase, with numerous revisions to the structure occurring from bottom to top.