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555 10th Ave, New York, NY

Project data

Location: New York, New York, United States

This 52-story mixed use residential tower on midtown Manhattan’s far west side includes 300 dormitory rooms and 598 rental units. It includes a 10-story commercial podium with a massive transfer girder system over a swimming pool, to accommodate residential column layouts, and a 90’ high atrium at the second floor, below the swimming pool and girder system. For perimeter protection the contractor chose PERI LPS Light Protection System, using 20,000 ft² of the LPS screen and 1,500 ft² of loading platforms. The 45’ tall units climbed the building as construction proceeded.


  • Safe, cost-effective and efficient self-climbing perimeter protection system
  • Safe, cost-effective and efficient Loading Platforms
  • Excellent logistics support given New York's space constraints


Pinnacle Industries II, LLC, New York, NY 

Customer's benefit

  • PERI LPS Light Protection Screen allows lots of light and air to enter the building while at the same time reducing wind loads due to clever wire mesh design
  • Self-climbing and telescoping ability of LPS allows it to progress very quickly and adapt to every building shape required
  • Telescoping ability of LPS makes it easy to transport thus accomodating logistics and space constraint requirements
Jerimiah Dennehy
Carpenter Foreman

“The PERI LPS system offers ease of installation, efficient climbing and ultimate protection.”

PERI solution

  • PERI LPS Light Protection Screens offer safe and cost-effective perimeter protection
  • Engineering and logistics support ensure complete success of every project